I'm delighted you are interested in gaining a deeper understanding of your chakras, aka energy centers.
Understanding these "spiritual organs" and how they affect everything in our lives - from our physical health to our emotional balance - is KEY in living a fulfilled, balanced, and vibrant life.
This course will give you the understanding and tools of how to nurture and nourish each chakra to balance and wholeness.
I have taught spiritual disciplines and technologies for 15 years, as well as led multiple, extensive chakra trainings. I've also studied the chakras across different cultures and paths.
The information in this course will give you ALL the tools you need to balance your own chakras, as well as assist your clients to do the same.
In this course, I have consolidated the chakra teachings so that you can get your own Chakra Course or Workshop up and running immediately!
No need to create your own materials and graphics, I have created over 35 beautiful workshop templates so you are ready to launch. Bam!

As teachers, leaders, coaches and light workers, we know that energetic mastery is the foundation that our clients and students need in order to manifest their dreams. If their internal systems are unhealthy, they will never achieve their goals.
Activating, strengthening and balancing the Chakras is absolutely essential in helping our clients achieve:
- Financial Prosperity
- Love
- Inner Peace
- Healthy Boundaries
- Empowerment
To assist our clients, students and friends in their emotional, mental, spiritual and physical health we must understand the Chakras and how their health affects our lives and choices every single day.
We must first know how to evaluate, activate and balance our own chakras, to then have the skills to share this priceless wisdom with others. This course leads you through a deep dive of self-evaluation (“Know Thyself”), as well as all the tools you need to teach your own Chakra courses and workshops!
What makes this Chakra Course different from others?
This course supplies EXPERIENTIAL TRANSFORMATION for you and your clients:
- Video & audio teachings to understand and de-mystify the Chakras (7)
- Guided Meditations and Visualizations to awaken, activate and balance each chakra (7)
- Yogic exercises to embody the Chakra upgrades (over 30)
- Daily Affirmations to re-program deeply entrenched subconscious programing (over 70)
- Learn which: crystals, foods, essential oils, seed sounds and colors balance each chakra
- Guided Meditations for Leadership - to remove self-doubt and fear, and empower you as the brilliant leader you are
- Stunningly Beautiful Workshop Templates (35) to be up and running your own workshops immediately!

The Root Chakra
...provides an unshakable sense of being safe, cared for, and loved, and provides a deep connection with Nature.
An unhealthy root chakra causes anxiety and fear surrounding personal safety, security, love, and finances.

The Sacral Chakra
...provides love and trust of self, cultivates beauty in and around us, self-confidence, and a positive self-image.
An unhealthy sacral chakra houses guilt, shame, insecurity, and jealousy; as well as a lack of self-confidence, self-love, passion, and desire.

The Solar Plexus Chakra
...provides confidence, courage, fearlessness, self-discipline, patience, and healthy personal power. Feels and expresses emotions easily.
An unhealthy solar plexus chakra can cause one to be violent, power-hungry, dictatorial OR feel they are a victim and powerless.

The Heart Chakra
...provides unconditional love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves and others.
An unhealthy heart chakra blocks the flow of love and life force into our heart, being, and life, causing fear of intimacy, loneliness, and isolation.

The Throat Chakra
..empowers us to speak our truth in love. It provides creativity, harmony, peace, clear communication, clairaudience, and creative power.
An unhealthy throat chakra manifests as fear of speaking, lack of creativity, "knot" in throat, restlessness, untruthful communication.

The Third Eye Chakra
..connects us to infinite possibilities, profound insights, deep knowing of the Truth, and no fear of death, able to see the unseen.
An unhealthy third eye chakra can manifest as mental slavery, dogmatism, memory disfunction, and emotional imbalances.

The Crown Chakra
...provides unconditional love, acceptance, and compassion for ourselves and others.
Let’s take a sneak-peak into one chakra:
The seven major chakras are the: Root, Sacral, Solar Plexus, Heart, Throat, Third Eye, and Crown Chakras.
Let’s take sneak-peak into the Root Chakra:
The Root Chakra (have the symbol of the root chakra here)
The Root Chakra corresponds with our most basic physical needs (think: survival) like shelter, safety, food and water, as well as our most basic emotional needs such as: feeling safe, loved, and wanted.
It is located in the area of the perineum, pelvic floor, base of the spine and first three vertebrae.

When the root chakra is balanced we:
- have an innate sense of being safe, cared for and loved
- can be alone and not feel lonely
- easily manifest money and know that we will always have enough and be taken care of
- do not worry about our safety, shelter, food or financial needs being met
- are able to take risks, love life and nature, and are able to let go
- have a deep TRUST in Life/the Universe

When the root chakra is imbalanced we:
- experience anxiety and fear surrounding safety, security and finances
- feel insecure
- do not easily manifest money, or lose it as soon as we do
- fear change and cling tightly to what we know
- are disconnected with Mother Earth and do not feel grounded
- may also feel lethargic, weighed down and restricted
- may have a tendency to hoard
- do NOT TRUST Life/the Universe

Did you know that ancient wisdom across many cultures teach that our chakras directly affect our physical health, as well? For example, Physical Symptoms of an imbalanced root chakra may be:
- constipation
- sciatica
- hemorrhoids
- low back pain
- knee problems
- eating disorders
- depression
- obesity and weight problems
- addictive behaviors (drugs, alcohol, food, etc.)
Our root chakra was primarily developed while in our mother’s womb and the first 12 months of life. What was your mother going through while you were en utero?
What was the environment and family dynamic while you were a baby?
Did your mother feel safe and loved while carrying you in her womb?
Did you feel safe, loved and wanted as an infant?
If these were tumultuous times for your soul and body – and you experience some of the symptoms above - it will greatly benefit you use the tools in this course to balance, heal, and strengthen your root chakra...(much more information offered in the course).
35 Stunningly Beautiful Workshop Templates included so you can be up and running your own workshops immediately!

HI, I'm Bethany Joy.
Bethany has taught classes, workshops and extensive courses on the Chakras for hundreds of students. She utilizes yogic technology, movement, sound healing, psychology, color therapy and more to assist her students to awaken and balance the energetic aspects of themselves known as The Chakras. She leads spiritual retreats all over the Americas.
“Bethany not only showed me how powerful I actually am but how the world needs me to step up now. I realized that I can create and recreate my life to support my higher purpose. It was really an enlightening gift.”
“Working with Bethany changed everything. My life is now on a different course – Had I not taken her course, I would have made different choices this year and wouldn’t have been able to listen to my Truth and expand my business.”
No need to create your own materials and graphics, I have created over 35 stunning workshop templates so you are ready to launch.
We must first know how to evaluate, activate and balance our own chakras, to then have the skills to share this priceless wisdom with others.
This course leads you through a deep dive of self-evaluation (“Know Thyself”), as well as all the tools you need to teach your own Chakra courses and workshops.
